Mrs Prindables prepares each Gourmet Caramel Apple fresh to order and should be enjoyed soon after delivery or placed in the refrigerator. Once in the refrigerator, the caramel apples will keep fresh for up to two weeks.

For optimal flavor and ease of slicing, remove your Caramel Apple from the refrigerator 45 minutes before serving.
Place your knife about an inch from the stick and slice down through the caramel apple.
You should have a nice round slice, and the seeds from the core should still be on the stick portion.

Repeat your first slice on the opposite side of the caramel apple, placing the knife about an inch from the stick.
Cut the remaining two sides away from the core of the apple, leaving you four large pieces.

Cut the slices smaller based on your desired serving size.
A Mrs Prindables Jumbo Caramel Apple yields 8 to 10 generous servings, or even more smaller bite-size morsels.

To prevent browning, sprinkle the caramel apple slices with lemon juice.
Make sure to wrap any unconsumed slices in cellophane and refrigerate; though leftovers are rare when serving Mrs Prindables Gourmet Caramel Apples!